In a country like Colombia, where opportunities are largely concentrated in big cities like Bogotá, life on the periphery is a challenge that no one chooses. The protagonist of this story, young people aged between 13 and 24, are pinning their hopes on football as a route to a better future.

In places like Buenaventura, where these young people come from and where the temptation is great to join criminal groups at a young age, which promise respect and a stable economic income because there are no other options, this sport becomes a way of life. For the families of these footballers, it means peace when their children are kept away from this reality through football.

Despite the difficulties of staying afloat on a very limited budget, two football schools from the region have decided to open a branch in the capital to give their players better opportunities.

The following project is a photographic documentation of the everyday life of these young people when the two schools still existed in the capital. It shows their daily struggle for improvement, their failures and their successes - getting up and moving on despite mistakes and setbacks.


Top Manta


43 m2 peace