Diana Paola Cabrera Rojas is a photojournalist born in 1991 in Florencia - Caquetá. Actually she lives in Hannover, Germany but she is constantly going to her home country. Her strength lies in social documentary reportage and portraits. She is interested in topics related to human rights, mental health, migration and Colombia.


2024 Bachelor of Arts in Photojournalism and Documentary Photography at the University of Applied Science in Hanover

2024 “Abschlussarbeiten”, group exhibition, GAF – Gallery for Photography, Hanover

2023 Part of the exhibition "Identity, Courage and Love", Running for a future, Hanover

2022 Scholarship by the VII Academy « South and Central America : Photojournalism and Documentary Photography Seminar » with Leo Carrato

2020 Six Months intership as a photographer with Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung

2016 Won the first prize with the international students award from KreativesWertpapier

2014 Move to Germany working as an Au pair

2013 Degree as Social Communicator and Journalist at Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios, Bogotá

2012 One year intership at “Especiales Pirry”, Canal RCN, Bogotá

2007 “Bachiller” at the “Colegio de la Universidad Libre”, Bogotá

©Leonard Mikoleit

+49 157 321 8860